Cyber Threat intelligence (CTI) is evidence-based knowledge, context, indicators, and behaviors about a threat to an organization.
While a Red Team can try thousands of methods to reach an objective, a Purple Team will focus on the methods, tradecraft, and TTPs that are most likely to impact the organization.
The MITRE ATT&CK framework is a globally accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real world threats and threat actors (APT groups). It was developed to improve the understanding of how cyber-attacks are performed.
ATT&CK is an abbreviation for Adversarial Tactics, Techniques and Common Knowledge.
In this video, we will be getting an introduction to Cyber Threat Intelligence and its role and importance in an organization's security posture.
🔍 What to expect:
✅ Comprehensive introduction to Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)
✅ The importance of effective Cyber Threat Intelligence in organizations
✅ Understanding of the different types of CTI ranging from Tactical and operational CTI to Strategic CTI.
Whether you're a SOC analyst or Red Teamer or just starting in the field, this video is your gateway to understanding the role and importance of Cyber Threat Intelligence in an organization’s security posture. 🎓🔒
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